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Klemtu Campania


New Member
Apr 5, 2023
I was planning to explore the Campania Island area of the coast this summer when my paddle partner of 20 years told me he can’t make it.

My wife is very anxious about me travelling solo so I am looking for an intermediate level paddler to accompany me.

I am planning to take the ferry from Port Hardy to Klemtu on July 1 and return to Klemtu for the ferry to Port Hardy on July 18. Between those dates I plan to paddle to Laredo Channel through Meyer Passage and make my way up Laredo to explore Campania Island and the Estevan Islands. Time and weather permitting I will paddle to Hartley Bay passing north of Gil Island. From there I will make my way back to Laredo Channel and back to Klemtu.

If anyone is interested in paddling this area and would like join me I’d welcome the company. It would go a long way to setting my wife’s mind at ease.
